The Association of Universities and Research Institutions of the Caribbean

The vision is bring the region a view of other parts of the hemisphere and world.

Welcome to
Universities Caribbean

Join us in our work to foster cooperation among the Higher Education institutions in the Caribbean region.



Assessing the Impact of COVID-19: Designing the future of the Caribbean University Sector

UNICA collaborated with UWItv on, to host a virtual forum in order to assess the impacts of COVID-19 on universities of the wider Caribbean region.

Universities Caribbean Strengthens Relationship with the AUF

On July 1st 2020 Universities Caribbean in partnership with UWItv, hosted a virtual forum One Caribbean Solutions: Post Crisis Strategic Partnership and Next Steps for Reopening Universities.

Press release: launch of the universities Caribbean 2018

A major development in the transformation of the Higher Education sector in the Caribbean took place in the Dominican Republic.


Press release: results from symposium

Text of press release from symposium.

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